Thursday, January 14, 2010

To the punk who broke my table at school today:

Shit you!!! Listen carefully ah whatever you are,you better replace my table by tomorrow man! stupid 1 boh! Bell after recess rang and he run up and down the class like crazy fool! knock my table and squished me(LOL) now table is dancing tango liao! stupid punk!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


i hate school man....!!!! I can't stay in class for recess! Dunno what to alone at lunch....bad at every juntion of the school! so lonely....

Lonely...i am so lonely.
I'll never be happy,all on my own...
Lonely.i am so damn lonely...
i won't be happy
ever agin....zzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzz

My 2 fav. songs

No one

I wanna know what love is

Check this out!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Stupid father back from MUKA so soon, now everything is disappointing already, like: my dog was barking at him like hell but my dog was very calm yesterday without him! when he went for packing: me and my mom were the ones packing for him! I carried his luggage! and he was doing nothing! he's the one going on the stupid flight not us !and he went for no reason at all! now he's back, and it feels like2012 already! He's such a busybody piece of shit! if you think I'm just over-reacting! then you have no idea what's it like to be his daughter at all!!!! And whenever he comes home, you have to be there at the door after you open the gate for him and stand at the front door and say “hi, dad” like you’re greeting him home! And when he comes home….he has to honk his car horn because he wants me to stand there! If not…he angry lo…..besides…even if you tell him all he has done wrong he won’t listen!!1he just pretends like his always right!!!! On the road, he likes to honk to other cats! But when the other cars honk on him…he gets out of the car and scolds them!! He is so damn impatient!!!! When he is 100000000000% WRONG!!!!!! He never admits anything he’s done wrong!!!!! He’s old and useless, so once he’s aged enough…he’ll go where his mom was and still is!! Hell!! Or he may go to the old folks who have been abandon by their children’s place! He drives me crazy!!! This is why I can’t have a normal life! And when he eats! You have to make sure he eats!!! Like when he comes home late again for no reason….and you and mom already eaten he jus says why I no eat???!!!! You weren’t here for !@#%* sakes!!! You have to prepare everything like plate and forks spoons and food for him!!! for he won’t eat dinner!! CRAZY MAN!!!! I wished his plane would crash and he would not have to come back but he did….bad luck me…..Don’t tell me I will miss him when he’s not back because yesterday(he was at MUKA) I actually LIVED FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!!!!! Well ,at least one day in 3 years of actually living was available!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I finally got in batu lintang and i dropped Chinese and i go to a class where 1 of my friends happy...but i have to squeeze with 2 ppl as no more seats...aww....just sad i have to leave a new friend i met in my old sad....LOL, is really chaledging over there! on the 2nd day....any boy's hair that was to long and was warned the day before,has been cut off imeadiatly on stage by our principle! wow...!! i bought my neck tie,logo,books,ex. books but dunno what else to by.......Our school got dimerit whenecver do something bad...MATI LO....untill 30 points..suspend for 3 days...50-5days,and so this is the only time when collecting points is a bad thing...LOL

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Good bye holidays........................................................................
Hello!!!!! 2010

Gong xi fa cai

Happy new year to all and a message to all adults:...............

Where the hell is my stupid ang pao ah?!?!?!