Saturday, April 17, 2010


OMG! i saw puan teng and penyelia petang at BDC everise leh!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010


The prom night i never had

I dreamed our school got some1 tell teacher to have a American styled prom night for the from1s and she actually agreed to it!i used the sentence:since their country so successful we should be like them to have a prom. The DE WAN was decorated like heaven,and we all have to date a person from our class only!(that's the bad part,ONLY FROM OUR CLASS LE!!!)so every teacher will give a part of information about having a successful 1st date.We soon also found out all the instructions will also be counted as marks in school!!!!!!! weird eh?so...that's why some teachers are chaperoning.we all combined all the advice(instructions) of each teacher and here's what we got:

1.the tuxedo outfit
2.the corsage
3.the dance-have to find count seller for introduction to the dance
4.politeness towards the gal..
5.the kiss-dunno how la...this just pooped out of no where....
6.others-hand holding,hug,.........

1.the American type of dress
2.the partner
3.the dance
4.the kiss-count seller in my dream says don't use tougue!!weirder ma.....

We actually had to pick someone from our class man!!! 1 le....a few only.......Even the X-PERALIHAN kids had to learn to dance no matter how badly they dint want to.....finding a partner 1of our teachers helped.....all gals(girls) stand up at each boy 1 by 1 MUST have the courage to ask his dream girl.The girl will either say:Yes,No,or dunno. Every student must have a date(LOL).I dreamed i was picked by someone i hardly speak to in class,we scheduled with count seller for a dance lessons(we got it quickly la.....).He(count seller) even gave my partner a website to visit: Click here to see

He said to him the prom is much similar as a date.....( i overheard 1 la,LOL)

At last the night was here!!! I was dressed and ready to go....I got there,he also was there at the same time! he gave me a beautiful corsage(Americans do that too),we held hands then went in the air-conditioned dewan.everybody was dancing,During our 1st dance,we even had a chance to see everybody in clothes that aren't uniforms.....we also saw all the X-peralihan(who are real meanies to the teacher)actually do everything teacher taught us!1st time for everything lar.... at the end of the dance,he actually kissed me!!! more was cool and awesome!!! It was...COOLSOME!!! LOL.....i also had a chance to hang out with some of my best friends ever!!!(etc.harriet,clarice,agnes,more la.....) the best night of our lives!!!

Quick Facts of my dream:

1.the dance with a person only in your class
2.the prom
3.the kiss
4.the finding partner with teachers help!!!(WEIRD)
5.the fact that he actually wanted to go out again sometime(he said1)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I bet RM 50 any 13 year old would act like him in real life in this video(LOL)

JB!!!!!!'s baby song

Justin Bieber Home | Download Justin Bieber Music & MP3 | Official Site

To think he's only 16!!!!!


THIS GIVES A BRAND NEW MEANING TO ADORABLE!!!I love justin bieber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!