Friday, August 6, 2010

the talkin tree that missed you....XD

This is why it's bad to stay inside tooooooo long,when u do...their will be a talkin tree tellin u u've gone overboard...LOL!!!!!!! see this!!


OMgosh!! i juz found one of our AJK,samuel looks so so so so so soo oooooooooooooooo strict in school,but he can really break down on the floor!! his break dancing skills are the bomb man!!!

My calon pengawas dayz~

LOL~mt senior was singing this spongebob song while on lol-ish...XD

Hey bloggy mc. blog blog pants~

Hey bloggy!! how r u doin? sorry i dint come see u,but unlike my other dead pets...u wont die if i leave u alone for 3-4 here's the update: my class got what big big fancy national day singin competition.....(PS:like the fancy guitar? lol...)We sing SATU MALAYSIA...lalalallalllala~ I have becomed calon pengawas but afetr a week liao,i wanted to quit earlier but i was like: i'm juz gonna use the chance to fool off and play ,later it will be the same,not get picked...mind as well,have my fun~lol...XD..My senior's are pretty hilarious...i feel lucky i have them so i wont get bored ,coz workin at block C...huh...boring...My best friends are far far far away from me now..i shall hag out with them next comin saturday for a movie!! YEY~