Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My god mom's birthday!

Hey everyone! it's my god mom's birthday! happy happy birthday to her!! yahoooo! we went to a fancy restaurant,but the food stunk man! (that's what all the parents secretly siad lah!) for me,okay lah at least not SAI lah! ha ha~at this day my god-mother turns 70,so far she's the oldest one in my dads family now! (since my grandma died many months ago la....)anyway.....that's ME! On the left hand side picture! and all the grand-children in the family(dads) the purple one's my godmother!!!~isn't veryone so happy?? ha ha~of course lah! On the right pic we have my parents,me and god-mom!he he~That's all for now!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My NEW playlist!

I added a new playlist like cindy did! this is so so so cool! but i intend to keep it short as possible>all my favorite songs are in this play list! at least most of them lah.....me like it so much! check it out! maybe you can get one too and add your songs by clicking on the "create one-free" maybe lah...that's what i did! so let's lift off and enjoy the world of music!!

My cousin is so lame man!

Have you realized i only had 1 post about my cousin(one of them)Bryan,will here's a new one okay?

~I'm going to swim with AH YING(my other coz) as soon as we can,Bryan has been very grumpy every time i say the word swimming,he's been that way for a while.....i think he's quite lame.....but not because of his rich messy surroundings but because he keeps giving me and my other aunt in kuching the same excuse when we ask him out! so lame ah.......H1N1...bla bla bla.......i know it's real and all,but this is almost the 5th time he turned me and aunt down....when is he stop going to becoming a baby!People need to exercise and stop playing his computers and TV! not to mention he's rich>he can use it forever!!!!

My aunt's killin me by e-mail!!

here's what i typed after she replied me:(this is what i said lah)

okay aunt,i will do as u say..........now...you're so........boooring me!! always the same old sentences and warnings before,during and after my test! can't you think of a new one?! ya,ya ,ya...........study hard i got it!
If i don't do will you're gonna compare me to my cousins and kill me and don't look up to me,i got it mom!same old.same oldkilling me ah!!

the reason i don't show yo guys the reply of my aunt is because you will read it and fall into hell! see ya~

Monday, September 14, 2009


The deadly UPSR is over! Yahoo! everyone can finally kick-back and relax! time to party until you just can't do it no more! so...what are all you guys doing in the holidays?? comment on this and tell me! i attended many birthday party's and so much more......some actually got cancelled.....sad isn't it? my favourite cinema trip was cancelled..aw......so so so sorry to chai fung ah! she worked so hard to make it come true~ and now it's no more....well, i hope you guys are having fun in your holidays too! SEE YA!!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

comin soon!

~Coming after UPSR i am going to start up a post about all my friends! like etc:

  • ~Charlene-relaxation GURU
  • _____- the________GURU

what do u all think? okey?he he~don't be mad!ha ha~

hate! hate! hate! my maths going down down down!!~~

Ah!! no more confidence anymore............i just don't want UPSR!! i want no A's! no UPSR! NO EXAMS to save papers for all the trees!! i just at least wanna pass in every subject....that's all for now....no As in my aim anymore.....~~

-10%?!??! so not fair yee won!! go away! you have celine now? go liao!! don't stay!! go away!!!!!!!!!!!

you still want her back? well,look out mdm dodo bird!you might have won the last battle,but i am prepared for the war! away my soldiers! to the deadly sea of LYW-ness!