Saturday, September 19, 2009

My cousin is so lame man!

Have you realized i only had 1 post about my cousin(one of them)Bryan,will here's a new one okay?

~I'm going to swim with AH YING(my other coz) as soon as we can,Bryan has been very grumpy every time i say the word swimming,he's been that way for a while.....i think he's quite lame.....but not because of his rich messy surroundings but because he keeps giving me and my other aunt in kuching the same excuse when we ask him out! so lame ah.......H1N1...bla bla bla.......i know it's real and all,but this is almost the 5th time he turned me and aunt down....when is he stop going to becoming a baby!People need to exercise and stop playing his computers and TV! not to mention he's rich>he can use it forever!!!!

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