Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Heheehehe~ Long time no postin eh?? yeah..all the test,exams,partays and lolz........let's tell u all about me so i can give u new updates!!Ready?? Let's go! hyper-speed!

Call me Ling frm now on,I'm 13 now!(wow,so fast liao leh,==)I go to school to studying useless stuff at SMK BATU LINATNG,my class is in 1 jaya......I wish i was in 1mesra though...(more pals there),I believe in god and the buddha!Colours I prefer are black,blue and yellow! I go to school by car(although it's so damn near to my house!),So far..things are so bad as they can get....(not tellin too much abt that part!) I go on FB almost everyday! I join tennis club,(i never go1),buddhist club(also never go1),and taekwondo(also also neva go1,LOLZ)XD....Some of my close friends are:

  1. shannon 1.wilson
  2. michelle 2.silas
  3. angelina 3.nicholas
  4. kay yeo 4.jim
  5. celine yap 5.jerryl
  6. jia juin 6.alistair&dalcom(hate them both!!!!!!!)

I'm so bored right now....

describe me in 10 words...
  1. rude
  2. annoyin'
  3. weird
  4. nerd
  5. big-mouth(ON FB ONLI)
  6. lame
  7. boring
  8. stupid
  9. violent
  10. different

Sunday, May 23, 2010


SO many boys on facebook post askin"am i sexy" la,juz 2nia...LOL~ I keep tellin them"no,but u are cute/handosme" so somethin else.....LOLZ!!!!

PS:juz figured out..i have the lamest blog ever!!! XD.....

Thursday, May 6, 2010

JB rulez!!!!!!!!

JB has given all of us bieber fever!!~ There no where to run! no place to hide!~ when u hear his songz,i hope u won't sigh......XD!!~He's famous everywhere,but their aren't juz lovers! their haters2! haters say he's gay waiting for him to appear on the oprah show to tell every1 that he is gay,but guess what!??! he appeared! And he din't even had the word gay in it!!~ SO...HAH!!~:P!!~