Monday, January 26, 2009

My uncle Howard

Today's the Best day ever:

As i had breakfast with my uncle from AUS and totally rich with his 2th wife,(i think lah!)So after breakfast we went for a swim at the same place we had breakfast,Hilton! And nor me of my family Had to even pay a sen! So during swimming, my uncle thought me every thing he know because he is an excellent swimmer! He's 65 in 2009,Blonde hair with a some white hair too. Polite,Rich,understanding.So It also happened that we when out to the Place of food he loves most,Top spot!(Near hilton) And he also covered all the bills but his 2th wife wasn't there yet because she wanted to go back to Pontianak to visit her family Privately. So the next day she arrived at Kuching and YAda yada yada!

.met her
.Got left out(cause my mom was a big head)

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