Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My dad

Today my dad's car broke down while i was going home in his car.....he blamed me for no reason so.........We called our uncle and call him to come with a bottle (big) of oil(car one la!) then not after 5 minutes, my dad went crazy because he is a man we no patiet at all.....He say the cars pass by and asked a soilder on a motorcycle to pic him to the nearest oil station....he left without a helmet too......Soon, my uncle reached the place before by dad.....when his car reached there...dad came with the motorcycle guy....dad used his bottle of oil that was smaller than my uncle which he refused to use.....The tank was not even a little full....dad still thanked our uncle...Everytime my dad would say something bad about my uncle about not marrying my aunty....But This time he said:"good thing we have uncle lee,see i told you he was not bad!" I so wanna give my dad i piece of my mind and tell him he was the stupid one saying bad things about uncle lee! He is so........Tut~~~K,My dad's an idoit but i still am wondering somethings in life will change someday.....(so not..!!)

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