Friday, October 9, 2009

Shit frickin bitchy hell fuck your ass Liew yi won

FUCK U LIEW YI WON MAN! CI BAI AH you! I have so many shitty stories about a Pollock like you,i can make a new blog and write it full of bitchy stories i've heard and been through ah!! Go to hell and fuck to hell ah you man! I want you mom to be fucked,your brother to be fucked,and fuck your benny too!!Do not spread this word or else i'll fuck you to hell too,if you're a friend of her or a chatter box like her,if you even try to tell her my blog you're dead!~!!~!@!#$%$^T*&*&*^^$$@@~!@#%$#$#%$%$%^^&*&(*))+_)+_@@@#@$T&*$A%$RUGJEFGYEJK=fuck her

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