Monday, December 28, 2009


I'm gonna watch "alvin and the chipmunks 2" tommorow at MBO with my BFFL!~gooddie!!~

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Batu lintang here i come....wish me luck tomorrow!i gotta go see whether i can transfer there!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

I really wanna watch ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS2!!ASAP!!

Wanna know what dog is suitable just for you??

Go take this ANIMAL PLANET provided-highly classified dog breed quiz!~



Lucky went to the vet today!~

Lucky went to the vet today to get his 6 week-old shots...I'm just worried about this house lots of mosquitoes....hmmmmmm..what to do...what to do....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Lucky is one of the rarest dogs cause he is afraid of anyone to see him poop!!!!!~weird eh????

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lucky the apple lover...LOL

Unlike other dogs...My lucky likes to eat.....Apples!!

Ha ha ha~says the old owner of "lucky"....He loves to eat apples...But i just found out not to feed mt puppy to many apples...And not to feed it the seeds as they are poisonous for puppies...Check it out!!~

Bye! i gotta go give him a flea bath gain! see ya!~

Fooood!ha ha~

Spaghetti Tacos Recipe

15 10 2007

Hey y’all! If you seen iCarly; a Nickelodeon T.V. Show you probably heard of Carly’s brother name Spencer. Spencer is Carly’s brother; he makes crazy sculptures out of random things.

I went on to look around their site. And I saw Spaghetti Tacos Recipe.

Below is the Recipe to Spaghetti Tacos Recipe. I haven’t made it yet. I seen comments and it looks to me, its delicious!

Below is the Recipe for Spaghetti Tacos:

Get Taco Shells

Get Spaghetti (with meat sauce)

Get a BIG Spoon

Use the BIG Spoon to put Spaghetti into the Taco Shells.


Monday, December 14, 2009


Christmas in just around the corner...i just can't wait! even that i no celebrate...ha ha~ thinking of hosting a Christmas party...but i need an assistant (a friend) To help me on the much work and stuff.....See first la....

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Going for a swim tomorrow....

Wondering.....if 8 people can fit in Malaysia made Proton Saga...ha ha~ my cousins and JJ are going for a swim in KMC soon....I gotta remember to call my aunt today and remind her to fry so fried delicious stuff for us to eat by then...see ya! i gotta go call now..BB

I got my puppy!!

He's a boy...I think..ha ha~His name's LUCKY! he's a Japanese dog....His has cute ears can eyes....He's 5 weeks old and was born on Nov 11th 2009!~i adopted him today,14th Dec 2009!He's light brown in colour and he's wearing my Blue collar i just bought..He is now sleeping in my 45 ringgit black cage i bought all his stuff food and more from ANIMAL KINGDOM near my school~He looks so adorable when he sleeps.....I wish i could show you what he looks like so much...he he~He's going to the vet with me next Monday to get neautered and checked-up....Lucky is very obbiedient and nice....Even if you open the cage..he won't come out at all cost!He likes his dog food i bought him today....It's kinda crunchy so whenever he eats he makes a crack sound...he he~He is the only dog i have ver seen or got to actually LIKE HIS COLLAR!!! not really common to me though...he has black eyes and like sit when i scracth his tummy...He's itching a little but he won't be after next week..lucky gets hungry at 2pm to 2:30pm so i have to feed him....He likes to sleep...ha ha~so do I!~I get to keep him for the next 17 days and depends on wheder he'll get along with my dad,as my dad has a little fear of furocious if he is able to get along with my father...we'll keep him....I hope he doesn't belting bark or whine to ight......Ha ha~

Friday, December 11, 2009

Puppy help in kuching...

Anyone got a puppy for adoption at a cheap price???anyone??if u or ur friend hav and he/she wanna giv away tell me...tq..help介绍to me...Thx agn.....

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I really wish someone would accompany me to the SSPCA animal shelter for volunteer do a good deed la.....but all the parents said no due to disease by bad one boh!!!!Doing a good deed pays its price!!! never heard B4 meh?!?!? hate hate hate!!!!~ I am a big animal lover.....I love puppies,kittens,dogs,cats and more....JUST NOT INSECTS!!~i just wish......SOMEONE WOULD GO WITH ME!!!!!!!!hello?!??!anyone?!?!?!?!!?!?!???????Booo hoooo........ :( ....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This is the second time i see doctor this ya!!! so disturbing,sleep cannot sleep....huh!......Hope i get better very sooooon.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sick again....

Ah ya...sakit lagi.....sore throat,cough,tiredness,sore back neck,flu,allergies........bad luck....i hate being sick so so so much.....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I had a nighmare!!!(this story has been rewrited!!)

At first it was a really nice started....It was the school term holiday,a Sunday to be exact,I was finally able to go to Santubong with my BFFLs and their families,when one or two of us went surfing we heard something! a laughter....deep and scary,then the sky turned red like it was THE END!!one of the pupils that went surfing got lifted by the very strong wave bigger than ever ...about 88 foot tall i guess.....Just big la!~the other one in the sea tried to save him or her...i can't remember who though....ha ha,then when the ppl trying to save the other person reached his hand to the wave...i lifted this arm up to the big wave!!He used him arm to pull his head up...When then...he shouldn't!!he saw it!!THE END!! the wave was so not a wave at all,it was the worlds tallest and biggest deadly WATERFALL OF BLOOD!!!! the person that dropped in the water was never to be found....alive........!!!!then,the person's arm holding him up started to melt!!he quikly let go and fell back in to our world...the waterfall was getting near to town!we had to run and warn the others!But all we found was everyone tied to a big old tree...hung to deaf.....i really wish i could watch 2012 right now....but no one bring me go see!ha ha ha

This story has been Imagined and riped out of my nightmare...LOL,i made up the scary part!ha ha,but some of it was real i guess in my dream lah....alot i made it up!ha ha ha ha...hoped you have fun,......see ya!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Got tuition on holiday lagi??!??!?!??!bad luck....