Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fooood!ha ha~

Spaghetti Tacos Recipe

15 10 2007

Hey y’all! If you seen iCarly; a Nickelodeon T.V. Show you probably heard of Carly’s brother name Spencer. Spencer is Carly’s brother; he makes crazy sculptures out of random things.

I went on iCarly.com to look around their site. And I saw Spaghetti Tacos Recipe.

Below is the Recipe to Spaghetti Tacos Recipe. I haven’t made it yet. I seen comments and it looks to me, its delicious!

Below is the Recipe for Spaghetti Tacos:

Get Taco Shells

Get Spaghetti (with meat sauce)

Get a BIG Spoon

Use the BIG Spoon to put Spaghetti into the Taco Shells.


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