Saturday, December 5, 2009

I had a nighmare!!!(this story has been rewrited!!)

At first it was a really nice started....It was the school term holiday,a Sunday to be exact,I was finally able to go to Santubong with my BFFLs and their families,when one or two of us went surfing we heard something! a laughter....deep and scary,then the sky turned red like it was THE END!!one of the pupils that went surfing got lifted by the very strong wave bigger than ever ...about 88 foot tall i guess.....Just big la!~the other one in the sea tried to save him or her...i can't remember who though....ha ha,then when the ppl trying to save the other person reached his hand to the wave...i lifted this arm up to the big wave!!He used him arm to pull his head up...When then...he shouldn't!!he saw it!!THE END!! the wave was so not a wave at all,it was the worlds tallest and biggest deadly WATERFALL OF BLOOD!!!! the person that dropped in the water was never to be found....alive........!!!!then,the person's arm holding him up started to melt!!he quikly let go and fell back in to our world...the waterfall was getting near to town!we had to run and warn the others!But all we found was everyone tied to a big old tree...hung to deaf.....i really wish i could watch 2012 right now....but no one bring me go see!ha ha ha

This story has been Imagined and riped out of my nightmare...LOL,i made up the scary part!ha ha,but some of it was real i guess in my dream lah....alot i made it up!ha ha ha ha...hoped you have fun,......see ya!!

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